Club Name:  Lititz Youth Soccer Club Club Code:  03LTZ
Team Name: 
Lititz Storm  System TeamId:  5156
Category:  Travel  Age:  U10F
Team Website:  Status:  Active
    Last Season Active:   Fall 2024
<-- print season history
Year Season Played Wins Ties Loss GoalsFor GoalAgainst Points
2024 Fall 3 3 0 0 28 1 9
Coach Information
First/MI:  Kevin  Last/Sex:  Perigo  / M 
Street:  ** Ask your club registrar for a coach login.
City:  **  State/Zip:  **  **
Send Email:    Email Me Phone:  (Home)  (717) 669-0205
(Cell)      (717) 669-0205
Alt Email:    No Alternate Email Address. Coach License:   
NOTE: Assistant Coach information is missing. Please ask your club registrar to logon to this website and add the assistant coach information.
NOTE: Team Manager information is missing. Please ask your club registrar to logon to this website and add the team manager information.