Title: Hershey Soccer Club Grassroots Referee School 11/9
date:  11/9/24

Indoor session:  9AM-12PM, Cafe, Technical Center, 1025 Reese Ave, Hershey, PA, 17033, must show legal ID to enter or provided by guardian.

Outdoor session:  1-4PM, Field 2, Founder's Park, corner of Homestead Rd and Governor Rd, Hershey, PA, 17033.

Who:  Anyone at least 14 years old on 11/9/24.

Register:  at www.EPSARC.org under new referee
Note: Maximum of 8000 characters. Anything beyond 8000 will be truncated.
WebSite: www.EPSARC.org/become-a-referee/ 
Expiration Date: 11/6/2024
Full Name: Burton Doug Brown
Phone/Email: (717) 329-4949 / dbjbhershey@outlook.com